Tuesday, December 30, 2008 

Nintendo DS Review - What's It Been Like For The Portable System?

When Nintendo first introduced the Nintendo DS to the public, it was unlike anything the industry had ever seen. In terms of portables, game developers and consumers alike were used to using a portable with one screen, and your typical button layout - usually consisting of an a and b button, topped with your traditional d-pad, and a few other standard buttons. The DS was different though. When it was first shown to the industry, the most striking or unusual feature that stood out was it's dual-screen layout.

Naturally, there was a lot of criticism that followed this announcement - people weren't sure what to think of this new system with two screens. Of course, that wasn't the only unusual feature - the bottom screen was also a touch screen. There was a built-in microphone and the addition of the stylus. Right now, none of these things seem like a big deal. Back then though, the introduction of the Nintendo DS caused shock waves within the industry. Opinions across the industry varied, but unfortunately, most of those opinions didn't seem to be in the portables favor.

It didn't matter what those opinions were though, because the true test would come in the form of November of 2004 - the official release of the Nintendo DS. How would it fare? Would people like the system, or hate the system? Would they even care? At the time, Nintendo's Game Boy was still doing really well, so that begged the question: Was there even a need to release this new portable system? Those questions would be answered come the official release date of the portable console. Surprisingly to many, the answer was a resounding yes! Finding the system at your local video game retailer was hard enough, let alone trying to purchase one for yourself.

People were "devouring" the system in droves. It was an amazing sight to see, considering that the DS was an unconventional system, in almost every sense of the word - yet, it was selling like crazy. Naturally, that begged another question: Is this just a novelty that will soon wear off? Or is the DS for real? Will it carry itself through the next year or two and beyond? Fast-forward to December of 2007, and that question, once again, is clearly answered. Even today, after being on the market for just over three years, it is still one of the hottest video game sellers around. So as you can see, the DS thus far has been doing extremely well.

In terms of software, there are so many different types of games available, that almost anyone of any age can find something that they might be interested in. Were talking about people that range from your typical "hardcore gamer", all the way to people that have never played games before. Soon, you will be able to connect the DS with it's "brother", the Nintendo Wii. Nintendo has stated that you will be able to download demos from your Wii straight to your DS. In many ways, as the DS gets older, it also seems to get better. I'd venture to say that we haven't seen the last of the DS, and if your at all interested in video games, I'd suggest giving the DS a try - You just may end up enjoying it.

Andre Garcia enjoys playing games and has been involved with the video game industry for a very long time. Anyone that loves playing video games can learn if it's actually possible to get a job as a video game tester and be paid for it. For all your gaming news, reviews, and more, visit: Gaming Resource

The Minnepolis Star-Tribune has scanned thousands of the contested ballots from the election between Republican incumbent Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken, seen here in November 2008, and is displaying them online at senaterecount.startribune.com.(AFP/Getty Images/File/Cory Ryan)AP - Democratic candidate Al Franken now holds a 50 vote lead over Republican Sen. Norm Coleman with almost all of the counting in Minnesota's Senate race done.


Xbox 360 Fix - How to Fix Your Xbox 360 Permanently

There are 3 basic steps to fixing your Xbox 360 yourself. First, determine what the exact error code is. Second, select the appropriate Xbox 360 repair guide. Third, follow the instructions and get back to gaming. Obviously, the most important step is figuring out what is wrong with your Xbox 360. To do this, look at the power LED ring because it will flash in a particular pattern. The pattern itself provides insight into the problem. Different patterns will lead to numbered error codes which will help define the problem further. You can find a complete listing of the error codes along with instructions on how to get the console to reveal exactly what is wrong by following the link at the end of this article.

After you have deciphered the error codes, you will need to decide on the right Xbox 360 Fix Repair Guide. The link at the end of this article also has a page that provides a side by side comparison of the Xbox 360 Fix Repair Guides. The hard work has been done for you. Review each one carefully and then make your choice. Once you have your guide in hand you are ready to repair. You can usually repair your console in 1 to 2 hours depending on how handy you are with tools.

After you have repaired your own Xbox 360 why not recoup your money and fix your friends consoles or buy a broken one off of eBay. Once you fix one you will be amazed at how easy it is. Here are the basic steps.

  1. Open the console
  2. Remove the fan shroud and fan
  3. Remove the DVD player.
  4. Remove the power button and motherboard
  5. Remove the X-Clamps
  6. Remove the Heat Sinks
  7. Clean up the old thermal paste
  8. Put new thermal paste on the CPU and GPU
  9. Re-install the heat sinks, motherboard, DVD Player and overheat
  10. Re-install the fan and put the console back together

It really is that easy. This is a permanent fix and lots of the guides show you exactly how to do it with pictures and videos and even online help. So like I said before, save your money and do not send your Xbox 360 back to Microsoft. However, make sure you do your homework before buying an Xbox 360 Fix Repair Guide (not all guides are created equal). You will be glad you did.

To help you determine the right Xbox 360 Repair Guide go to http://360fixit.com You will find a side by side comparison showing you all the features that each Xbox 360 Repair Guide offers along with an error code listing. Good Luck and Good Gaming.

Policemen in Seattle wearing masks made by the Red Cross, during the influenza epidemic in a National Archives photo dated December 1918. (National Archives/Handout/Reuters)Reuters - Researchers have found out what made the 1918 flu pandemic so deadly -- a group of three genes that lets the virus invade the lungs and cause pneumonia.

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