Saturday, October 18, 2008 

Online Games - The Evolution

Now we see thousands of people playing online games such as tetris, ping pong, mario bros, super mario etc for free but despite its history dating back to 1970s, for most people online gaming began How to do abount anything the WII Video Games of Internet in 1993 and with the advent of Doom and Warcraft Colecovision Accessories in 1994 or 1995. This got further boost with publishers starting to add Internet connectivity to computer games in 1994-95.

The media, in fact, have themselves been ignorant about online games history. As far as they are concerned, online gaming just coincidentally happened when their advertisers started producing Internet-capable games. But it isn't so...

Early Years of development

In early 1950's a college student created a game much like Tic-Tac-Toe for a class project to be played on dinosaur computers of those days complete with cathode ray tubes for the screen display. The 1960's had MIT students programming a game called "Space war" that could be played with two people over a primitive network. The late 1960's brought the first "real" video games like table tennis and shooter games.

The 70s - the game begins

Serious online gaming began with the first interactive online game called ADVENT. In fact networked gaming got conceptualized with ADVENT. Networked gaming had users playing against each GameCube Accesories within an online fantasy world. The first networked game was called Mazewar, a game which involved networked players traveling through a maze and attempting to kill one another.

Next came the interpersonal interaction in a multi-player environment. The first such game was called DUNGEN. DUNGEN had players competing against one another to complete a series of quests. DUNGEN provided with new settings and players each time the user logged on.

The late 1970's saw the start of video game craze with more and more households getting computer savvy. As a natural corollary, people started writing their own games for the home computers. These programming hobbyists traded and sold these home-grown games in local markets.

Other changes in the 1970's were home gaming consoles which used game cartridges. That meant the people could collect games cartridges for one base unit instead of having bulky game console systems.

The 80s - some pause before the storm

1980's saw growing craze for the video and computer game craze, but online gaming wasn't on the horizon yet. New games with better sound and graphics were introduced and gained popularity. Pole Position and Pac-man were two that achieved big popularity. It was during 1980's when Nintendo introduced its first gaming system.

The 90s - revolution begins

The 1990's saw the phenomenal growth in both popularity and technology mostly because of the rise of 3-D and multimedia.

Myst, the intellectual adventure game introduced gaming on the CD-ROM format. Fancier 3-D graphics Xbox Game Controllers made FPS (first person shooter) games such as Quake possible.

The late 1990's saw the exponential growth of the Internet, MUDs (multi-user dungeons) which made online games wildly popular. New and improved graphical X-Box360 Video Games had people all over the world playing against each other not only in FPS games but also in real time strategy games (RTS games) as well as third person games like Grand Theft Auto.

This was also the period when websites started offering online games such as tetris, ping pong, mario bros, super Mario, and other free online flash games and non-flash based games free for playing after registering with them. This really pushed online gaming into the popular psyche.

The 21st Century - world is just a playground

Early years of the 21st century were dominated by the DVD-CD-ROM. It has changed the way online games are played. The latest gaming systems such as Sony's play station and Microsoft's X-box have networking capabilities to enable people play with each other in real time from all over the world. Exponentially growing broadband internet services have made playing these online games possible in true sense of the word.

The only drawback to the constantly evolving technology for online games is that what you buy today might become obsolete by the next year. Luckily, for the serious gamers, the resale industry for these online games is huge. This resale industry is just another element to the ever-changing history of online game.

Susie is a game developer advocating to play online games free. Visit to play tetris online for free.

Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., waves to supports after at a rally in Woodbridge, Va., Saturday, Oct. 18, 2008. (AP Photo/Luis M. Alvarez)AP - In an outbreak of class warfare, John McCain and Barack Obama swapped sharply worded charges over tax cuts on Saturday, each accusing the other of shortchanging middle-income Americans at a time of economic hardship for millions.


Warcraft Millionaire Review - Gold Making Guide

Warcraft Millionaire is massive information package created by Brad Johnson. It essentially gives you a whole new look towards World of Warcraft game, and tons of new ways to make gold.

Warcraft Millionaire is a gold making guide written by the first Most Popular Video Games ever to amass one million gold in the game. Once your realize that even level 70 players can have trouble racking up more than few thousand gold, you can easily see how handy Warcraft Millionaire will Sony Playstation 3 Accesories to you. It is split up to into many sections. Each section is well written and easy to understand, and each is it's seperate PDF file.

Brad Johnson has the credentials to prove that he's no fluke - being the first World of Warcraft millionaire his guide offers a comprehensive outlook on how the game's economy operates. This package contains half a dozen different guides including a lvl1-60(Azeroth) guide, a 60-70(Outlands) guide, a Grinding guide, a Daily How to Build About Anything guide, an Auction House guide, and a Limited Items Purchasing guide. All of which are well-written and easy to understand.

The Auction House guide is the bread and butter of Warcraft Millionaire. As you know, auction items can be purchased in bulk with the click of a button. Knowing the right Auction House strategies can make you rich in very little time. In the Auction House guide, you will learn how to dominate the server's market. Following Brad's guidelines, you will be able to do quick and easy research at a glance, bypassing costly trial and error techniques.

About The Author: Jim Wapp is a WoW enthusiast; he is constantly looking for new and more efficient ways to do things in-game. He is also an active raider and generous contributor to his guild. He is the founder of WoWDotCom and he has reviewed some of the most popular WoW Gold Guides available on the market. Join WoWDotCom's famous WoW Tips and Strategies mailing list for free.

President Bush returns a salute before boarding Marine One helicopter on the South Lawn of the White House, Friday, Oct. 17, 2008 in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)AP - President Bush on Saturday sought to reassure Americans about the cost and scope of the nation's financial bailout plan and said that in the long run "our economy will bounce back."

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